Changing Current Water Summits are inter-tribal convenings designed to bring together staff and leadership from Northwest Tribes and Native communities to foster dialogue & collaboration around common water interests and work toward a shared agenda.


A primary goal of Changing Currents is to bring together Tribal leaders, Native and non-native community leaders, as well as partners who share a common concern for our precious water resources. Changing Currents: Tribal Water Summit began as an idea and concept of a few tribal water leaders that were inspired by the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs leadership with the Deschutes River Conservancy. The thought being, if divergent interests such as those found on the Deschutes River could come together and work on common interests in that basin; why not replicate that on a state, regional and national level.  Changing Currents is growing beyond a mere pilot project to an annual event, hub connecting NW tribal water leaders, and hopefully a movement for our state, region, and Indian Country.