Youth Summit Coordinator

Mr. Younker worked for over 20 years in Native Youth education;  he worked 19-years for the Oregon College of Art and Craft as the Journeys in Creativity Youth in Exploration of Native Art, Camp Director with youth from the Pacific Northwest and Pacific Rim.  He is a graduate of Oregon State University in Fine Arts. He also serves on a number of regional boards, including The Evergreen State Longhouse Community Advisory Board and an esteemed international woodcarver and artist. He is now serving as the Changing Currents: Youth Tribal Water Summit Project Coordinator.  He is the Summit’s primary contact, director, and coordinator.  Mr. Younker is a citizen of the Coquille Indian Tribe.


  • Leonard Forsman

    Suquamish & ATNI President

  • Terri Parr Wynecoop

    Coeur d'Alene Tribe & ATNI Executive Director

  • Daranda Hinkey

    Fort McDermitt Paiute-Shoshone Tribe and Lomakatsi Restoration Project

  • Belinda Brown

    Kosealekte Band of the Ajumawi-Atsuge Nation (Pit River Tribe)

  • Serina Fast Horse

    Sicangu Lakota & Blackfeet

  • Joe Hostler

    Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde

  • Ethel Branch, Esq.

    Navajo Nation

  • Margo Hill, Esq.

    Spokane Tribe

  • Haley Case-Scott

    Klamath Tribes

  • Marko Bey

    Lomkatski Restoration Project

  • Hillary Renick, Esq.

    Sherwood Valley Band of Pomo Indians

  • Shaun Livermore

    Poarch Creek Indians

  • Se-ah-dom Edmo


  • Cree Deuker

    Chippewa Cree Tribe of Rocky Boys

  • Joel Moffett

    Nez Perce & AT